Welcome to the Hilversum International Scout Group
We are a scout group that is aimed at the international community in Hilversum. We have a complete spectrum of scouting programmes for all ages with an active Beaver, Cub, Scout and Explorer group. If you are between 5 and 18 and speak the English language, you’re welcome to join us!
Visit the rest of the site or our Facebook page to find out more about us and to join in the fun! We hope to see you soon at our clubhouse!
We are looking for you – mums and dads
In the past year we have successfully strengthened our committee. We’re very happy that this vital English language group for the international community, which has existed for the past 20 years, is still alive and kicking. We are currently one of the largest scout groups in the area, that offers fantastic activities to children from 5 years until 18 years. However, due to the international nature of this scout group, there is a lot of coming and going of members. Therefore, we need all the help we can get in order to remain a strong and vibrant scout group.
Aim of Scouting
The aim of the Scouting Association is to encourage the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people so that they may take a constructive place in society. The method of achieving the aim of the Association is based on the Scout Promise and Law, and is guided by adult leadership.
Our Mission Statement
To deliver the scouting experience in Hilversum in the English Language. We believe that the scouting experience significantly contributes to the physical, intellectual, spiritual, creative, emotional and social development of children through adventure and outdoor activities. We encourage and value parental involvement.
Beavers for boys and girls aged 5 till 8 years.
Meeting time Thursday 16:45 – 18:00
Cubs for boys and girls aged 8 till 11 years.
Meeting time Thursday 18:00 – 19:30
Scouts for boys and girls aged 11 till 15 years.
Meeting time Thursday 18:30 – 20:30
Explorers for boys and girls 15-18 years.
Meetings time Thursday 19:00 – 21:00